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Friday 4 April 2014

If only.....

The other night I had a wonderful dream.

I met David Bowie in the middle of a hot, sultry Souk Medina somewhere that might have been Morocco (or it might have been the fake Tunisian market made of plastic that BF and I visited last holiday, it's hard to be sure). He looked like a mix between his middle aged self and how he looked in Labyrinth. But without the tights. Sadly.

I don't quite know how we got talking but in a few minutes we were old friends. It was awesome.

He said he'd totally DJ the wedding and if I ran ahead and got him a latte we'd confirm the details. So off I ran, through the crowded streets of the unnamed Medina, dodging through people and carts of chickens, constantly thinking, "Bowie is going to to DJ my wedding, you can't let him get away. Hurry, Hurry!"

Turns out David Bowie isn't a fast walker - I was waiting for about 10 minutes with two lattes bought from a cafe stall for him to make his INCREDIBLY slow way through the crowds. Had I lost him?! No, there he was, blonde hair sticking up looking like a rock star, zen encircled Buddha. He was walking at about the pace your great-granny might, but 100% on purpose and deliberately not in a hurry for anyone. So cool. And he totally sat down and chatted through the playlist.

All I could think was "my Best Woman J is literally going to wee herself when she hears this" while we chatted. J has loved Bowie practically from birth.

When I woke up and excitedly told BF the good news. I was a tad disappointed when I realised my sub-concious had made it all up.

On the other hand it has put me in a wonderful mood all week. And it cost not a penny. Priceless.

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